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The mission of the Best of the West Army All-Star Football Game is to provide graduating seniors an opportunity to promote football, recognize athletes for all their hard work and allow area coaches the opportunity to interact at a professional level.

Hand in Hand Mentors is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that was established in 2012 to serve as an inspiration for at risk students in the Central Valley.

Who Plays?
The Classic is for graduated seniors who are nominated by their own coach from a pool of high school football teams through out the greater California region. Game coaches, players and officials will be selected by the Board of Directors.

Exciting Maldives

Stay at 5star Hotels With Luxury Attractions
  • Expert Guides & Drivers

  • Accommodation & Activities

  • Beach Villas & Infinity Pool

7 Days

Tour Length


Price Per Person

Forrest Marler

CEO & Founder

Lectus arcu bibendum varius pharetra. Ide nunc miles ipsum lorays faucibuas.

Ph : (023) 987-6543

Joseph Carter

Senior Manager

Lectus arcu bibendum varius pharetra. Ide nunc miles ipsum lorays faucibuas.

Ph : (023) 987-6543

Annette Smith

Tourist Guide

Lectus arcu bibendum varius pharetra. Ide nunc miles ipsum lorays faucibuas.

Ph : (023) 987-6543

Carole Floyd

Tourist Guide

Lectus arcu bibendum varius pharetra. Ide nunc miles ipsum lorays faucibuas.

Ph : (023) 987-6543